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If you have any questions about Xinreal’s products, please read the FAQ first. If the answers listed still do not resolve your issue, please contract with our local distributor and they should respond to you as soon as they receive your request.

As a dedicated manufacturer of standard power supplies, Xinreal offers a variety of power supplies to meet the diverse needs of the market. However, choosing the right product depends heavily on the correct electrical characteristics and specifications, and we have listed frequently asked questions for your reference.

Functional aspect
Q1 What are the precautions for selecting a switching power supply?

1. In order to improve the reliability of SPS, we recommend that users choose equipment that is 30% more powerful than the actual demand. For example, if the system requires 100W of power, we recommend that the user select an SPS with an output power of 130W or higher. By doing this, you can effectively improve the reliability of the SPS in your system.

2. We also need to consider the ambient temperature of the SPS and whether there are additional heat sinks. If the SPS is operating in a high temperature environment, we need to reduce the output power. The derating curves for « ambient temperature » and « output power » can be found in our specification sheet.

3. Select features based on your application:
Protection functions: overvoltage protection (OVP), over temperature protection (OVP), overload protection (OLP), etc.
Application function: signal function (power supply, power failure), remote control, remote sensing, etc.
Special features: Power Factor Correction (PFC), Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).

4. Make sure that the model meets your required safety standards and EMC regulations.